New Features: Detailed View

We’re excited to share a fresh feature we’ve rolled out on Browspilot—Detailed View. This feature is designed to enhance how you revisit and explore your past browsing sessions.

Dive into the Details

With Detailed View, every search result gets an upgrade. You’ll now see thumbnails from your visited links, along with content snippets for each page. This visual and textual preview makes it easier to recognize and recall the pages you’ve visited, giving you a clearer sense of what each link contains before you click.

Why It’s a Game Changer

Detailed View brings several big benefits to your Browspilot experience:

  • Visual Recognition: Quickly spot the page you’re looking for with helpful thumbnails.
  • Content at a Glance: Get a snapshot of what each page is about through content snippets.
  • Efficiency: Spend less time searching and more time doing, as you find the right pages faster than ever.

Try out Detailed View next time you’re in Browspilot and see how much quicker and more intuitive it is to navigate through your digital history. We think you’re going to love the new depth it adds to your search experience!

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