New Features: Domain Filters

We want to tell you about another nifty addition we’ve just introduced on Browspilot—Domain Filters. This new feature is all about organizing your browsing to focus on what matters most to you.

What’s New with Domain Filters?

Ever find yourself digging through loads of search results trying to find that one doc on Google Docs or that specific purchase on It can be a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack, right? Well, Domain Filters are here to simplify all that. Now, you can sort and view pages directly from your go-to sites—whether it’s Google Docs, Amazon, YouTube, or The New York Times—right from your Browspilot dashboard.

Why You’ll Find It Super Useful

Domain Filters are super handy for a few reasons:

  1. Clarity: No more sifting through irrelevant results. Get straight to the sites you use the most.
  2. Efficiency: Save time by directly accessing what you need from your favorite domains.
  3. Customization: Tailor your search experience to fit your workflow and reduce online clutter.

So, next time you’re on Browspilot, try out the Domain Filters. We think you’ll find it makes navigating your online world a breeze. Here’s to less searching and more finding! Enjoy!

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